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Buildings and Grounds

The church property is located on four acres of land in the Hamlet of Hopewell Junction. The Church of the Resurrection sits on a hilltop with long sloping lawns that gradually descend to road level and meet Route 376.


Our illuminated  sign at  the foot of  the driveway announces our presence, our “welcome” and “thoughts to ponder” to passersby.  The driveway divides the land creating a great lawn on each side. Progressing up the driveway the view changes from broad lawn to a natural canopy created by the crabapple trees that line the drive and provide a magnificent display of pink blossoms each spring.


Heading the great lawn on the left of the drive is a stacked stone altar dedicated to Saint Joseph which is used for special services as weather permits. A statue of Saint Joseph holding the Christ Child overlooks the altar and the great lawn.


The church, cemetery and columbarium are located across the drive from the rectory (typically the home of the priest, but currently rented to others), at the front of the church. The church stands tall on the right side of the great lawn and main drive. The structure is a uniquely styled modern wood sided building with cedar shake shingle roof.

The cemetery contains 32 burial plots. The columbarium which was refurbished recently is circular. At the center is a stone pedestal upon which an Italian white marble statue of Our Lady of Grace rests. The 32 niches are incorporated in the four curved walls surrounding the statue.


The red double door entrance opens into a small lobby and cloak area. Offices are to the left and the church proper is beyond the second set of double doors. The design on the interior continues to be modern and simple.

The ceiling soars to the peak of the roof with a wood plank finish. The large  dark colored architectural beams offer strength as well as design.  The altar and sanctuary are off center allowing the Resurrection Windows to wash the area with with light.

The unadorned wall behind the altar is broken by the suspended figure of the Ascending Christ.



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